I’m having trouble uploading my submission
We only accept submissions in the following formats:
Sorry, but, PDF files, Word, PowerPoint or other files not mention above, will not be accepted.
Resolution Requirements:
Preview Image 200px by 200px
Main Image up to 630px wide and any height
Why wasn’t my submission accepted?
If your item has been rejected it may be that the look and feel simply don’t match what we’re looking for here at Logottica. We suggest that you may try compare your item to some of the others to see more or less what we are looking for.
No insult or criticism is intended when an item is rejected, and we apologize that not everything can be included in the gallery.
How do I delete my profile?
We don´t want anybody to leave, but if you have to….just throw us an email with your request, and we will delete you from our list. Hope we don’t have to do that!
We’d love to hear from you about how we can improve Logottica. Please feel free to contact us here.